Algonquin College Graphic Design Program Computer Graphics Course Curriculum Algonquin College Graphic Design Program Computer Graphics Course Curriculum

Image Transformations

Apps Used: Adobe Photoshop

This summative assignment includes Photoshop skills you've used in the last few classes. Download the assignment files. Replicate the effects that are shown on the page.

This is a summative assignment

It evaluates your mastery of the skills in this instructional unit. This assignment contributes to your final grade in the course. You will earn a letter grade.

Your Grading System


Your Assignment

Content-Aware Features

Content-Aware Move

On a duplicate layer, select the woman, then move her with the Content-Aware Move tool.

Move her up. Make sure you duplicate the layer!

Content-Aware Scale

Duplicate the layer with the grass. Use the Content-Aware Scale feature to squeeze the grass so it’s narrower.The tool will do this so the grass still looks natural.

Squeeze the piece of grass.

Content-Aware Crop

After duplicating the layer, use the Crop tool with Content-Aware Crop turned on to stretch the photo.

Stretch the photo of the dock as shown.

Colour Correction

Set Black Point

Set the black point using a Threshold adjustment layer. Then use a Levels adjustment layer.

Set the black point using a Threshold adjustment layer. Then use a Levels adjustment layer.


Sharpen the photo of the ram with the High Pass process.

Sharpen the photo of the ram with the High Pass process.

Image Transformation

Vanishing Point Tool

Use Photoshop’s Vanishing Point filter to map the illustration onto the wall as shown.

Add the illustration on the wall so it wraps around the corner.


Under Filter > Blur Gallery use Field Blur to create visual interest by blurring the photo at strategic locations. Make sure to convert the layer to a Smart Object first.

Use the Field Blur filter to create interesting blurs.

What you'll submit:


Once you've completed your work, save and close each document. Rename the provided assignment folder as LastName-FirstName-Group-Nº-Assignment-Name. So,

Appleseed-Johnny-1-Image Transformations

Right-click, then choose Compress... to create a zip file for submission. So...


The zip file is what you submit.

Failure to submit your files as directed will incur a proportional loss of points. If your file/folder is not named with your name, you will earn a zero. Why?