Our Grading System
Algonquin College’s grading system is based on letter grades. You’ll find a qualitative description as well as numerical equivalents of the letter grades below.
You need to maintain a GPA above 1.7, with no grades below C- to succeed in the program. There is information on calculating your grade point average here, on the College’s site.
If you’ve earned an A, or 85% and you find yourself wondering why you lost 15 points on an assignment, don’t think of it that way. Your work must have been superior, but not excellent. The difference between 85% and 89% becomes irrelevant, because the whole range earns you a grade of A. Focus on the letter, not the number.
Grade Designations
- A: Excellent
- Course learning requirements are met in a consistently outstanding manner.
- B: Superior
- Course learning requirements are met and exceed the requirements.
- C: Satisfactory
- Course learning requirements are met satisfactorily.
- D: Marginal
- Course learning requirements are met, but achieved at a marginal level. consistent, ongoing effort is required for continuing success in the program.
- F: Unsatisfactory (Failure)
- Course learning requirements are not met. No credit is awarded.
Numeric Values
Percent Grade | Letter Grade | Numeric Grade |
90-100 | A+ | 4.0 |
85-89 | A | 3.8 |
80-84 | A- | 3.6 |
77-79 | B+ | 3.3 |
73-76 | B | 3.0 |
70-72 | B- | 2.7 |
67-69 | C+ | 2.3 |
63-66 | C | 2.0 |
60-62 | C- | 1.7 |
57-59 | D+ | 1.4 |
53-56 | D | 1.2 |
50-52 | D- | 1.0 |
0-49 | F | 0 |
This is not a correspondence course. In order to earn points for in-class assignments, you must be present in class. If you have an un-excused absence, you can complete the assignment with the help of the online course material, but you will not earn points. I will, however, provide written feedback on your performance. If your absence is unavoidable, please communicate with me before the class to make me aware of it. I will have the option to excuse your absence and allow completion of the assignment outside of class.
Importance of File Naming
Attention to detail is crucial in the practice of Graphic Design. File naming is no exception. Naming files incorrectly can cause disastrous effects, like broken images on the web, print errors and missed deadlines. This is why we are so strict with this in the Computer Graphics courses.
Organizing, naming and submitting files adhering to precise instructions is an important skill in the practice of Graphic Design. As such, 20% of all assignment values is based on adhering to instructions. These instructions will be given verbally in class and/or online. If files are submitted in such a way that they are not usable to produce the final product, the student can earn a grade of zero on that assignment at the faculty’s discretion.
Submitting a File
When submitting a file, you need to name it according to a specific naming convention. Make sure you close your file before you re-name it in Finder. Use this convention: First Name, Last Name, Group Nº, Assignment So, name it like this example:

Once you have submitted your zip file, you can delete it. Keep the original file at least as long as your time in the program.
The following is incorrect:

When you re-name the zip file, it unzips un-named, which is not a good thing. Make sure to re-name the file, then zip-compress it.
Submitting a Folder
Follow the same process for submitting a folder. Name it First Name, Last Name, Group Nº, Assignment Name. So, name it like this example:
Once you have submitted your zip file, you can delete it. Keep the original folder at least as long as your time in the program.
The following is incorrect:

When you re-name the zip file, it unzips un-named, which is not a good thing. Make sure to re-name the folder, then zip-compress it.
Not complying with this will cause a needless loss of points. Pay close attention while submitting.
Confirm Your Brightspace Submission
It is your responsibility to confirm your Brightspace submissions have worked. You receive two confirmations from Brightspace.

When you submit your file, you’ll see the green text on Brighspace showing you the submission was uploaded sucessfully.

You will also receive an email confirmation at your college email address to confirm your submission. Keep this email as evidence the submission was done.