This is not a correspondence course. In order to earn points for in-class assignments, students must be present in class. In the case of an un-excused absence, students can complete the assignment with the help of the online course material, but no points will be earned. Feedback will, however be provided on the student’s performance. If an absence is unavoidable, please communicate with faculty before the class to make them aware of it. Faculty will have the option to excuse your absence and allow completion of the assignment outside of class.
Get Set Up
Create Folders
Create course and assignment folders for the semester.

Archive files
Last semester, you created a Semester 1 folder. It has all of your work in it. You should offload that onto a USB key for safe keeping. It’s even a good idea to put it on two USB keys. Keep each at a different place, so you don’t lose them.
Update all your Adobe apps.
Go to the Creative Cloud icon in your menu bar. Make sure to run any updates that are there.
Mouse & Adaptor
Bring a mouse to every class. It’s not efficient to work on your trackpad. Just keep the mouse in your bag. Optionally, you could purchase this adaptor to connect to displays. Bring a pair of earphones/headphones to listen to tutorials.