College Services Setup
Our first steps are to get you logged in to various online services. This will allow you to access your schedule, bursary information, cours materials, your network password, your grades and more.
macOS Setup
Let's get your Mac set up for the semester. Some important Finder preferences need to be changed. We'll create a folder structure so that you stay organized during the semester. We'll need to ensure you have proper backups of your work. If you're a returning students, you'll need to archive past semesters' work.
Set Up Illustrator
Before we start working in Illustrator, we need to take a tour of the user interface. The default settings Adobe provides really aren't well suited to our type of work. We'll improve on them by installing a few files and flipping a few switches.
Set Up InDesign
Before we start to use InDesign, we need to edit settings to make it work better for us. We'll even modify the default settings for the entire application.
Set Up Photoshop
Before we start to use Photoshop, we need to edit settings to make it work better for us.
Print at the Print Shop
Set up your MacBook Pro to print at the Algonquin College Print Shop.